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Liselotte: ‘I love trying new things’


Role at Bord&Stift: Illustrator
Working here since: Summer 2017.
Which book are you reading at the moment? Tirza by Arnon Grunberg.

What do you like most about your role at Bord&Stift?

I find it a challenge to convert written information into images. I can use my imagination and creativity while drawing. You can interpret a word in several ways. I find it a challenge to come up with a drawing for a word. Theo, one of the other illustrators, is very good at this. I find that inspiring.’

Where does the strength of Bord&Stift lie?

That we have a close-knit team in which everyone supports each other. That works extra motivating. I always feel like going to work. The open atmosphere is a real strength of Bord&Stift, because it feels like a group of friends. When I try to explain the atmosphere in the office to other people, they always ask me whether people actually get some work done. But it is precisely all the games and coffee moments that make us work extra hard. We have the perfect combination here between chilling and working.’

What else would you like to learn?

‘I would like to learn how to play an instrument. And I would like to learn to deejay, mix music and play records. I think it would be a lot of fun to spend all day searching for music and understanding the technology behind it. Actually, I always really enjoy a new challenge.’

What was a big challenge for you?

My last biggest challenge was my graduation project. The assignment was to make something that could change shape. I was afraid that I could not do it, but after six months I did it. The project is called Materials that move. I had made 3D prints and when you pressed a button, the material started to deform and move. I was allowed to exhibit my project at the Dutch Design Week, that was a special moment. A lot of people came to watch and I got very positive reactions.’

What makes you happy?

‘I love to try new things and challenge myself. That way you can always keep on growing. And my friends are also very important to me. So I try to find a balance between development, challenge and seeing my friends.’

I also like running and cycling. The best thing is to cycle to my parents or brother during the summer when the weather is nice, from Rotterdam to Utrecht and Amsterdam. I love to cycle very fast outside all day and then drink coffee in the sun somewhere in between. Along the way you can see how beautiful the Netherlands actually is.’

Also read the inter view with Michiel:
‘It is the group that does it.’

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